Your art is precious.
You need to move it and you don’t want to worry about how it will get there or if it will get there safely.
You need a team of highly trained specialists that will get your art from point A to B.
Say hello to Atelier4.
We specialize in handling high value irreplaceable objects, challenging installations, and tight turnaround times.
Our highly personalized services help you move art without ever lifting a finger.
If you have an art logistics problem, we can solve it.
Here’s how we do it.

Specialists trained by our technical manager in best practices and working with up-to-date materials with sustainability in mind. Soft packing and multi-venue exhibition cases to protect your property.

To save you time and money, we offer an affordable high-touch, white-glove national service serving the 48 contiguous United States each month.
A fleet of climate controlled, air-ride suspension, day, sleeper & crew cab trucks with hydraulic liftgates, alarm and web-based GPS tracking, designed and operated by us, originating and terminating inside your home, business, studio or institution. Also known as ‘nail-to-nail’, we are your complete resource for logistics.

In house licensed customs broker with decades of experience and relationships with the airline industry to advise you and arrange the most ideal routings world-wide. A4’s CEO Jonathan Schwartz serves on the steering committee for the only independently audited international fine art logistics trade group. His connections are your connections.

You don’t have to know about all of the moving parts if you don’t want to, but for those who want to dig into the details, you’ll find your seamless delivery involves some rather sophisticated coordination.

Restricted access to our managed storage vaults for temporary or long term accounts and peace of mind. Your property is protected in a temperature and humidity controlled environment that considers all of the elements
Shelter from the Storm - Pests mitigated and catastrophic climate events bunkered
Theft Proof - Recorded and time stamped video, alarms and a chain of command to ensure there is always someone available at a moment’s notice.
Complete Privacy - We wouldn’t want our laundry aired, either, and we have three plus decades of discretion, along with a firewall to protect data and controlled access. We don’t share information outside of the company or even between internal departments when there isn’t a need-to-know.
Temporary Safe Haven: resources, permits, labor and inspections can be unpredictable. Let us be your temporary safe haven, taking possession of your art collection, high end fixtures and furnishings. We inspect all objects received and will send you a report with images so that adjustments can be made. And when you’re ready, we can provide you with last mile delivery.
Specialized Solutions. - We’ve got interesting solutions to all kinds of problems, some utilize conventional tools and hardware, some of them might look a bit esoteric, and at times, we just can’t find the thing we have dreamed of, so we make it.

We put it on the wall, place it on a pedestal or float it from the ceiling and you know it will stay there.
Let us worry about the details.
Give us a call. 718-433-3500
Send us an email.
Visit our website.
Watch our promo video.
We’ll take care of you.
Atelier4 began as a way to support art. Jonathan Schwartz began shipping as a day job that would allow him more time to make art and music. After a few years honing his skills in fine art logistics, Schwartz caught the entrepreneurial bug and started Atelier 4 in 1989. He focused on the growing contemporary art market in New York’s SoHo district, and had so much success doing so that he soon targeted bigger fish—museums and collectors. With that commitment to quality came sacrifice; there went the art studio and soon after the band broke up.
By growing the team, upgrading equipment and methodology, and keeping current with technology Atelier4 became a trusted vendor to the most exacting of clients. Atelier4 now operates locations in New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Miami FL, and Charlotte NC. Our newest acquisition, a 26,000 square foot warehouse in Charlotte will service the booming center and surrounding area.
With 30 years in operation, our personalized approach to fine art logistics management is a little old school, but our clients like it that way. Our state-of-the-art equipment and hands on approach means we in-house over outsource, and make sure the valued art you entrust to us receives the care it deserves.